Announcement regarding Executive Order 9K and the November 5th CT DPH Advisory to CT Residents.
Please read Governor Lamont’s Executive Order 9K for the complete language regarding EO9K which goes into effect on Friday, November 6th.
- Repeal of municipal authority and return to statewide protective measures: Repeals Executive Order No. 9G, Section 1 and Executive Order No. 9J, Section 1.
- Return to Phase 2 limits on certain gatherings: Amends the limits on indoor religious, spiritual, or worship gatherings to no more than 50 percent of the building’s capacity or a maximum of 100 people, whichever is lower. If held outdoors, the limit is the number of people that can be accommodated safely by the venue or location, provided that all persons present wear masks, unless speaking from a designated safe location, and that a distance of six feet is maintained between all persons or groups not from the same household.
- Reduced capacity at indoor graduation ceremonies: Limits the capacity of indoor graduation ceremonies to 50 percent of the venue’s capacity or a maximum of 100 people, whichever is smaller.
- DECD authority to enact sector rules for youth sports: Authorizes the commissioner of the Department of Economic and Community Development to establish mandatory rules for the safe conduct of youth sports.
- DECD authority to enact sector rules governing mandatory closing times for certain businesses and other establishments: Authorizes the commissioner of the Department of Economic and Community Development to establish mandatory closing times for any business or establishment.
- Extension of expanded outdoor dining: Extends all currently enacted provisions related to outdoor dining through February 9, 2021.
- Extension of prohibition on sale of alcohol by certain permittees without the sale of food: Extends all currently enacted provisions prohibiting the sale of alcohol by certain permittees without the sale of food contained through February 9, 2021.
- Flexibility for school nutrition programs: Modifies certain state statutes related to school nutrition programs and enables the commissioner of the Department of Education to temporarily waive or modify any requirements related to these programs.
On November 5th, the CT Department of Public Health issued an advisory for all Connecticut residents amid rise in COVID-19 cases.
HARTFORD – The Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) today is issuing a statewide public health advisory due to higher COVID-19 case rates across the state. In coordination with Governor Ned Lamont’s Executive order 9K, effective at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, November 6, 2020, DPH Acting Commissioner Deidre S. Gifford MD MPH is issuing an advisory for all Connecticut residents to stay home between the hours of 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. in order to reduce the risk of further viral transmission. The advisory applies to every Connecticut resident, except
- those who are essential workers who must leave home in order to go to their jobs; and 2) anyone who must leave their home on an emergency basis to seek medical care or to purchase medical supplies, food or groceries.
Since September 20th, the number of new cases over a 14-day period in Connecticut has increased nearly 3-fold with 6,895 new cases reported during the period of October 18–November 1, 2020 compared to 2,537 cases reported during September 20–October 4. The average daily case rate for COVID-19 has climbed during the same period from 5.1 per 100,000 population to 14 per 100,000. In addition, at least 70% of Connecticut’s population now lives in either a red alert or orange alert community for COVID-19 infection. Hospitalizations for COVID-19 have increased from 68 on September 20th to 329 on October 29th, representing an increase of 483%.
Specifically, the Public Health Advisory recommends but does not mandate that:
- Those over age 60, and anyone with a chronic disease or obesity who are at higher risk for complications of COVID-19 take extra precautions and limit non-essential trips outside your home;
- Employers allow work-from-home as much as possible;
- Non-essential social or community gatherings of any size for any reason (e.g., parties, community meetings, celebrations or other social events) end by 9:30 pm or otherwise be canceled or postponed at this time;
- Everyone maintain at least a six foot distance from those who do not live with you;
- Everyone wear a mask whenever you leave home and wear a mask INSIDE your home if someone from outside your household is visiting;
- Everyone clean their hands frequently using soap and water, hand sanitizer, or isopropyl alcohol wipes. Washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds works best. Avoid touching your face; and
- Families and loved ones should limit visitation to long term care facilities.
This Public Health Advisory shall remain in effect until COVID-19 disease trends move in a more positive direction statewide and in accordance with future governor executive orders or commissioner orders as needed.
CT Data: https://portal.ct.gov/Coronavirus/COVID-19-Data-Tracker
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