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Emergency Preparedness Art Contest Winners Announced!


Date: November 3, 2021                                                                  
Contact: Amanda Michaud
203-881-3255 x 117 or amichaud@nvhd.orgWebsite: www.nvhd.org

Emergency Preparedness Art Contest Winners!

Observed across the country in September, National Preparedness Month presents the perfect opportunity for all individuals to learn about how to prepare for an emergency to keep themselves and family safe. This year, one of the four themes was emphasizing teaching youth about preparedness. With that in mind, Naugatuck Valley Health District (NVHD) launched its first ever Valley youth art contest with the support of our school districts. NVHD received 78 art submissions from students in grades K-12 throughout the Valley! The drawings were very creative, well thought out, and artistically expressed! The contest was judged by the Valley Emergency Management Directors, our local subject matter experts, who were encouraged to keep in mind the theme “preparing for a disaster or emergency” when judging the artwork.

The 1st place winners of NVHD’s first ever 2021 Emergency Preparedness Art Contest were presented with a robust family emergency supply kit that included high and low value items that would be necessary for a family to shelter in place in the event of an emergency! We would like to thank the Valley Community COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund for providing the funds necessary to support this initiative. The top three winners in each category were presented with a certificate of recognition and a family preparedness packet!


All of the submissions can be viewed on NVHD’s YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHOVBmGvO9E

Kindergarten – 5th Grade

The 1st place winner in the K – 5th grade category was Simao Parada. Simao is a student at Bungay Elementary School in Seymour. Simao wrote, “Be prepared for a disaster” above his drawing of a backpack that had all the necessary items you would need in a disaster. Simao was very proud of himself for winning 1st place in the K-5th grade category!

2nd Place: Eli Stein, Bungay Elementary School.

3rd Place: Ariyanna Johnson, Bungay Elementary School.


6th – 8th Grade

The 1st place winner in the 6th – 8th grade category was Aubrey Waldron from Beacon Falls. Aubrey is a student at Long River Middle School in Prospect. Aubrey’s artwork was very creative; her drawing was of a room filled with all the items you may need in an emergency, and even included a map showing where her family would meet outside their home in the event of an emergency. When Aubrey came to NVHD to be presented with her certificate and prize, she showed interest in learning about the materials provided in her family preparedness packet and was excited to discuss the different items included in her emergency kit. Aubrey told us that she likes to go on hikes with her family and that they always each bring a backpack filled with emergency preparedness items. Aubrey was very appreciative that she won 1st place in her category & said she is excited to participate again next year!

2nd Place: Cira Teran, Shelton Intermediate School

3rd Place: Victoria Kim, Perry Hill School.



9th – 12th Grade

The 1st place winner in the 9th – 12th grade category was Emily Zhu from Seymour. Emily is a student at Seymour High School and was very thankful to NVHD for making this contest possible. Emily’s drawing was a little different from the other first place winners; instead of drawing the physical items you may need in a disaster, Emily drew pictures of the different disasters you need to be prepared for and wrote, “ARE YOU PREPARED”.

2nd Place: Paige Mamone, Shelton High School.


The Naugatuck Valley Health District wants to thank everyone who participated in making our first ever Emergency Preparedness Art Contest a huge success! NVHD has created a video that showcases all the artwork that was submitted. The video can be accessed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHOVBmGvO9E or you can also find it posted on our Naugatuck Valley Health District social media pages; be sure to be on the lookout for your art!


Photo Caption: NVHD’s first ever Emergency Preparedness Art Contest 1st place winners; Simao Parada, K-5th (left), Aubrey Waldron, 6th-8th (middle), and Emily Zhu, 9th-12th (right).

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