Free Diabetes Self-Management Starting 8/17
Contact: Kristie D’Averso, RN
Phone: 203-881-3255 x107
Email: Kdaverso@nvhd.org
Free Live Well with Diabetes Workshop Starts August 17, 2021
The Naugatuck Valley Health District has partnered with the Southwestern Connecticut Area Agency on Aging to offer an in-person session of the popular Live Well with Diabetes workshop for adults in the Naugatuck Valley area with diabetes or pre-diabetes or those that care for someone with diabetes. This program helps them learn new skills to manage their diabetes. Once a week for six weeks, two trained Live Well leaders will facilitate the two-and-a-half-hour group sessions at the Naugatuck Valley Health Department, 98 Bank Street, Seymour, CT. Participants will learn about healthy eating, high and low blood sugar, being active, sick day guidelines, tips for dealing with stress, foot care, making weekly action plans, and how to set small and achievable goals. Participants will be given at no cost the book Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions, and an exercise CD.
Class size is limited to sixteen participants from the Naugatuck Valley area
Pre-registration is required
A new group is starting on Tuesday afternoons from
August 17 – September 28, 2021 from 1:00-3:30PM
To sign up, contact Kristie
at 203-881-3255 ext. 107 or kdaverso@nvhd.org
Live Well is sponsored by The Southwestern Connecticut Area Agency on Aging, State Unit on Aging and Connecticut Department of Public Health through grants from the Administration on Aging and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Live Well with Diabetes is an evidence-based self-management program developed at Stanford University.
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