Board of Directors Committees
The Director of Health/Secretary Treasurer shall serve without a vote as an ex officio member of each committee.
Appointments to the Standing Committees shall be made within the Chairperson’s discretion at the next regularly scheduled meeting following the September Meeting each year. Each committee shall be comprised of at least five (5) members, including the Chairperson(s) of the committee, and not including the Director of Health/Secretary Treasurer who shall serve without a vote as an ex officio member of each committee. The Chairperson of the Board may not hold the chair of any standing or special committee. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the Committee members excluding the Director of Health/Secretary Treasurer. Committees are empowered to consult with non-members for advice and recommendations, as the need arises. The Standing Committees are as follows:
The Board may elect an Executive Committee, consisting of the Chairperson and two other members, each from a different municipality, and the Director of Health who shall serve without a vote, and such Executive Committee shall have power to act when the Board is not in session. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the Committee Members, excluding the Director of Health.
Ansonia Thomas Clifford, Chair
Shelton John Zikaras, Board Chair
Naugatuck Adam Bronko, Immediate Past Board Chair
The Budget Committee shall have responsibility for preparation and presentation of the preliminary budget to be submitted to the Board for final approval in accordance with relevant sections of the Connecticut General Statutes of the State of Connecticut.
Adam Bronko, Chair
Tom Clifford
Justin Rompre
Rosalie Averill
Jan Mizeski
The By-Laws Committee shall be responsible for developing any proposed revisions or amendments to the existing By-Laws. Any and all proposed revisions shall be submitted to the Board in compliance with Article VII of the Constitution and By-Laws.
Thomas Clifford, Chair
Rosalie Averill
Barbara Lombardi
Adam Bronko
Justin Rompre
Rita Pelaggi
The Nominating Committee shall meet prior to the June Board meeting of each year for the express purpose of selecting a proposed slate of officers and Executive Committee members. The proposed slate of officers and Executive Committee members shall be submitted to the entire Board at least one month prior to the election of officers and Executive Committee members which is held at the September meeting.
Thomas Clifford, Chair
Jean Jones
Barbara Lombardi
Tom Carney
Meghan Smith
The Personnel Committee shall oversee any revisions which pertain to the Personnel Policies of the District and present its recommendations to the Board for approval. The Personnel Committee shall be responsible for conducting any personnel appeals or grievances filed under relevant Sections of the Personnel Policies.
Barbara Lombardi, Chair
Rita Pelaggi
Rosalie Averill
Tom Carney
The Facilities Committee shall be responsible for oversight of the District’s physical offices, including but not limited to, capital improvements and non-routine maintenance and repairs.
Rosalie Averill, Chair
Adam Bronko
Barbara Dlugos
Jean Jones
Marietta Sabetta
Cady Lenart
By majority vote of the Board, Special Committees may be created to address a particular concern or matter and remain in existence until the concern or matter is resolved or for a period of time as determined by the Board. The Chairperson may appoint Board members and the Director of Health (as an ex officio member) to such Special Committees as may be created by the Board. The Special Committees will make recommendations to the Board of Directors for its approval.
In this section
- Board of Directors
- FY24-25 Board Meeting Schedule
- Meeting Minutes & Agendas
- Board of Directors Committees
- Bylaws
- Code of Conduct