News, Notices & Info
National Week of the Young Child
This week is National Week of the Young ChildTM, hosted by the National Association for the Education of Young Children...
4/14/20 Board of Directors Meeting Cancelled
Please be advised that the April 14, 2020 Board of Directors meeting has been cancelled. For the Board of...
National Public Health Week
April 6th marks the beginning of National Public Health Week! Naugatuck Valley Health District is a nationally accredited local health...
UPDATES FROM THE GOVERNOR’S EMERGENCY ORDERS Effective March 16, 2020 and through April 30, 2020, unless earlier modified, extended, or...
Public Hearing: FY20-21 Budget
Notice is hereby given that the Naugatuck Valley Health District will hold a Public Hearing on its Proposed Budget and...
CDC Health Advisory: Elevated Influenza Activity
This is an official CDC HEALTH ADVISORY Distributed via the CDC Health Alert Network January 10, 2020 CDC HAN-00425 Elevated...