Medication Take Back Day Event – Derby
NVHD has partnered with the City of Derby Youth Services Bureau and the Derby Police Department to host a Medication Take Back Day Event on October 29th from 10am-1pm!
1. Drive up
2. Drop off accepted medications (no questions asked)
3. Drive away
It's that easy!
- Over-the-counter medications
- Prescription medications
- Medication samples
- Medications for household pets
- Medicated lotions or ointments
Not Accepted:
- Needles or other “sharps”
- Hazardous waste
- Thermometers
- Personal care products (shampoo, etc.)
If you cannot make it on October 13th, NVHD is also supporting a Take Back Day Event in Derby on October 29th or you can drop off accepted items in a medication drop box located in the lobbies of the following police departments: Shelton CT Police Department, Ansonia Police Department, Town of Seymour CT Police Department, Naugatuck Police Department.
You can also call NVHD at 203-881-3255 x 103 and request a home disposal pouch to safely discard pills, patches and liquid in your home garbage without harming the environment or worrying about a person or creature accessing the medication.