The following list consists of the Naugatuck Valley Health District applications most frequently requested. If the computer used to view this site has Adobe Reader, the applications can be easily downloaded by clicking on the form name. If Adobe Reader is not installed the following link will bring you to the Adobe Website where Adobe Reader may be freely downloaded to allow the viewing of PDF formats.
Please be advised that all formal complaints and applications must be made in person at our office or by calling 203-881-3255. Applications may also be mailed to Naugatuck Valley Health District, 98 Bank Street, Seymour, CT 06483. Submissions made via email or submission below will not be accepted.
Apply for a temporary food service license. Once the application is received, you will be contacted via phone prior to the event for a more detailed review. On-site inspection maybe required.
For complete Guidelines for Food Service at Temporary Events click here.
Certified Food Protection Manager
Diarrhea/Vomiting Cleanup Procedure
Apply for a seasonal food service permit. Dates of operation by not exceed 90 calendar days.
Complete a food service plan application for a newly constructed or renovated food service establishment and to schedule an appointment.
Complete an Mobile Food Service plan review application for a newly constructed or renovated food service mobile kitchen. Click here for itinerant vendor guidelines..
Download Food Allergen Awareness poster. Available in 8 different languages.https://portal.ct.gov/DPH/Food-Protection-Program/Food-Protection-Communications
Schedule a body care plan review for a newly constructed or renovated body care establishment.
Application for a Nail Technician license can be found https://portal.ct.gov/DPH/Practitioner-Licensing–Investigations/Nailtechs/Nail-Technician
Application for an Esthetician License can be found https://portal.ct.gov/DPH/Practitioner-Licensing–Investigations/Esthetician/Estetician-Licensing
Application for an eyelash technician can be found https://portal.ct.gov/DPH/Practitioner-Licensing–Investigations/Eyelash-Technician/Eyelash-Technicians
Apply for approval of a Building addition, change in use, accessory structure, lot line revision. Including building conversions, building additions, decks, swimming pools, etc.
Schedule soil & site evaluation with NVHD to identify conditions on the property for septic system design proposals.
Submit a plan to be reviewed for a new septic system design.
Submit a plan to be reviewed for a repair septic system design.
Obtain approval for an on-site well WTW disposal system.
Submit an as-built.
Obtain approval for a septic tank replacement. ** Tank Only**
Obtain approval to construct a new septic system, repair a septic system or replace a septic tank.
Request an inspection of a daycare center.
Request an inspection to add additional space to an already licensed daycare center.
Request an inspection prior to the purchase of a food service establishment or body care salon.
Request copies of any public records.
Submit a tick for identification and/or testing.
If you submit or have submitted a tick, please complete a survey from Western Connecticut State University Tickborne Disease Prevention Laboratory. The purpose of the survey is to understand the relationship between outdoor activities and tick bites. Your response will help researchers figure out better ways to prevent Lyme Disease. Complete the survey here.