Help Us Help You! *Survey Announcement*
The COVID-19 pandemic has undeniably taken a toll on Valley residents; whether a matter of financial strain, food insecurity, adverse effects on mental health—or all of the above—the impact of COVID-19, both as a global pandemic and as an acute health issue, has been particularly detrimental.
As we slowly begin the post-pandemic recovery process, the Naugatuck Valley Health District is looking to gain a real-world understanding of Valley residents’ most pressing obstacles, and gauge just how big a role COVID-19 played in causing or exacerbating them. We are reaching out now to assess the needs of the community in real, quantifiable measures; by participating in this survey, you are making your voice heard, and actively advocating for your needs and the needs of your community.
The ultimate goal of this effort is to help you; the more data the NVHD has on which factors are holding our community back from living a comfortable, safe and healthy life, the more we are able to provide support that actually makes a tangible difference in residents’ lives.
Please lend your input by truthfully completing this survey; on the road to pandemic recovery, no voice must go unheard.
Community Recovery Survey: https://forms.gle/jDF4gesm1zRDxRdJ9
Business/ Service Recovery Survey: https://forms.gle/FPiBJ5HSWfTZoxFh6
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