Lead Worker Training Courses
Naugatuck Valley Health District’s Naugatuck Valley Emends Lead Hazards (NauVEL) Program in conjunction with Connecticut Children’s Healthy Homes Program are offering two (2) upcoming lead worker training courses!
See attached flyers for registration and fee information. Call Carol at 203-881-3255 with questions or visit www.nvhd.org/nauvel.
July 20, 2019: Lead Abatement Worker Refresher
For individuals who have completed the initial lead worker abatement training and need the refresher course within one year of the initial training.
Please complete and email sgiordano@emc1.com the enrollment form along with your past refreshers in advance to be allowed in the class to EMGC Training. You can call EMGC Training at 203-924-9544.
August 5-8, 2019: Lead Abatement Worker Initial Training
For individuals who wish to be eligible to obtain a CT Department of Public lead worker’s license.
Please complete and email cslajda@nvhd.org the enrollment form or call 203-881-3255.
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