National Immunization Awareness Month
August is National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) and promotes the importance of immunizations throughout each persons life.
You want to pass on certain things like family traditions, a grandmother’s quilt or dad’s love of books—but no one wants to pass on a serious illness. Take charge of your health and help protect those around you by asking about vaccines at your next doctor’s visit….read more here.
Do You Have a Preteen or Teen? Protect Their Future With Vaccines. Taking them to their sports physical, making sure they eat healthy and get plenty of sleep…you know these are crucial to your child’s health. But did you also know your preteens and teens need vaccines to stay healthy and protected against serious diseases? …read more here.
Five Important Reasons to Vaccinate Your Child
American Academy of Pediatrics YouTube Video: Dr. David Hill On the Life-Saving Hepatitis B Vaccine
From the moment you found out you were pregnant, you started protecting your baby. You might have changed the way you eat, started taking a prenatal vitamin or researched the kind of car seat to buy. But did you know that one of the best ways to start protecting your baby against serious diseases is by getting flu and Tdap vaccines while you are pregnant? …….read more here.
Updated 8/27/18.
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