SepticSmart Week 9/18-9/22
SepticSmart Week is an annual event that occurs the third week of September. Communities, local groups, and state governments can bring attention to the importance of caring for and maintaining septic systems by organizing homeowner education events, sponsoring workshops, or sharing social media from the SepticSmart program.
This year SepticSmart Week is celebrating its 11th Anniversary!
Remember these helpful tips:
- Think at the Sink! What goes down the drain has a big impact on your septic system. Fats, grease, and solids can clog a system’s pipes and drainfield.
- Don’t Overload the Commode! A toilet is not a trash can. Disposable diapers and wipes, feminine hygiene products, coffee grounds, cigarette butts, and cat litter can damage a septic system.
- Don’t Strain Your Drain! Use water efficiently and stagger use of water-based appliances. Too much water use at once can overload a system that hasn’t been pumped recently.
- Shield Your Field! Tree and shrub roots, cars, and livestock can damage your septic drainfield.
- Keep It Clean! Contamination can occur when a septic system leaks due to improper maintenance. Be sure your drinking water is safe to drink by testing it regularly.
- Protect It and Inspect It! Regular septic system maintenance can save homeowners thousands of dollars in repairs and protect public health.
The Connecticut Environmental Health Association (CEHA) is hosting a free, virtual training for homeowners with septic systems on Thursday, September 21, 2023 from 7-8PM.
Registration is online: https://attendee.gototraining.com/r/2574811472480531715
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